Law Offices of Mark C. Butler, PLLC
Providing unique legal services to Fire and Emergency Services, including Fire Districts, Fire Departments, Ambulance Services, Towns, Villages and Cities throughout New York State.
Fire Service Education for Fire District Commissioners
NYS Basic Fire Commissioner Training - 2025
The course provides basic fire commissioner training through examination of the authority and responsibilities of fire district commissioners. We emphasize class participation with group discussion and illustration of Fire District problems to engage all participants and make the material practical and meaningful.
Topics include Fire District Management; Financial Administration; Travel Procedures and Policies; Procurement and Disposition of Fire District Assets; Internal Controls & Detection of Fraud and Abuse; Conflicts of Interest and Ethics and current issues and developments in Fire District law.
Fire District secretaries, treasurers and fire chiefs are encouraged to attend.
The course meets and exceeds the requirements of Town Law 176-e; has been approved by the NYS Comptroller and satisfies requirements for commissioner training for those who are required to complete training within 270 days of election or appointment.
Course fee is $175 and includes
all course materials.
In-person courses include continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments.
The Instructors:
Taught by fire service attorneys Mark Butler and Terry Hannigan, who have over 50 combined years experience advising and representing fire districts. Both instructors are award-winning, nationally-certified fire instructors who are recognized and respected for their knowledge and abilities in fire district law.

Course is split into 2 evening sessions from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. You MUST attend BOTH sessions of the Course.
Click on the Date to Register for the Course
Maynard Fire District
(Oneida County)
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
9500 Maynard Drive, Marcy 13403
NYS Chiefs
FIRE 2025 - Syracuse
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Syracuse, NY 13202